Eyelid Surgery

Offered at our convenient location in Newport Beach, CA

Eyelid Surgery La Jolla and Apple Valley, CA

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is an effective way to enhance the appearance of your eyelids. It is a cosmetic procedure that can address drooping skin and a tired look in the upper and lower eyelids.

At Tehrani Plastic Surgery, Dr. Tehrani offer first-class eyelid surgery procedures in La Jolla and Apple Valley that can change your appearance for the better. For more information, call (949) 867-6806 or contact us online.

Before and After Photos

About Eyelid Surgery

As you grow older, your skin produces less and less collagen, a structural protein that helps keep your skin resilient and smooth. When your collagen levels decrease, your skin becomes weaker and saggier, and wrinkles become deeper and more noticeable. This affects areas with thin skin, like the upper and lower eyelids, particularly. Your eyelids can begin to droop, and you can develop a permanently tired appearance. Luckily, eyelid surgery can alleviate these symptoms.

The eyelid lift or blepharoplasty is a procedure designed to remove excess tissue from the upper and lower eyelids. It improves droopy eyelids and puffy bags below the eyes, features that may make you look older and more tired than you feel. (1) It may also be combined with a brow lift to correct drooping eyebrows.

Eyelid Surgery Incisions

The incision for the upper eyelid is usually made along the eyelid crease. The incision for the lower eyelid may be made inside the lower eyelid, avoiding external scars (transconjunctival) or externally just below the eyelashes. Excess skin along the outside of the lower eyelid region may be “tightened” with a chemical peel or ablative laser, as well.

Benefits of Eyelid Surgery

There are many benefits to receiving eyelid surgery. Because drooping eyelids are a natural symptom of growing old, correcting these conditions will give you a more youthful appearance. It will also make you appear more rested and alert. This may improve your social and professional life, as appearing tired can be an obstacle for positive social interaction. Enhancing your appearance in this way will increase your self-confidence and boost your self-esteem. It can provide medical benefits, as drooping upper eyelids can obstruct your field of vision. (2) Having smoother eyelids will also improve your ability to apply makeup the way you want to, with more efficiency and creative freedom.

Who is a Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Ideal candidates for eyelid surgery:

  • Have excessive, sagging or wrinkled upper or lower eyelid skin.
  • Have excess upper eyelid skin that interferes with vision.
  • Have lost their natural upper eyelid crease.
  • Have puffy pouches of fat in the upper or lower eyelids that create a tired or aged appearance.

To be considered eligible for this procedure, you should be in relatively good health. Your body needs to be able to heal and recover properly to benefit from eyelid surgery. You should also have realistic expectations about what eyelid surgery can do for you. Tightening up your eyelids will improve your appearance, but there are many other cosmetic treatments that can enhance your results.

Personal Consultation

Eyelid Surgery La Jolla and Apple Valley, CA

At your personal consultation, we can answer all of the questions you might have about eyelid surgery. We will ask you some questions about your medical history. Make sure you answer these questions thoroughly, as they can be a determining factor in deciding if eyelid surgery is a safe option for you. We may run some tests on you to assess your current bill of health, as well. We will discuss your beauty goals and examine your eyelids to get an idea of how we can help. Once we have gathered the necessary information, we can devise a personalized treatment plan and let you know how to prepare. To schedule your personal consultation, call (949) 867-6806 or fill out this form for more information.


To help you prepare for your eyelid surgery, we will give you personalized instructions. Try to follow these instructions as closely as you can, as they will be custom-tailored based on what we know about your health and history. There are some wise instructions that apply to surgeries of any kind, as well. If you smoke, you should quit before your procedure. The negative health effects that come with smoking can reduce your ability to heal. You should avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements that are known to thin the blood. These substances can increase the likelihood of bleeding during your surgery. You should also make sure to stay well hydrated before and after your treatment.

Eyelid Surgery Procedure

  • We typically perform eyelid surgery on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia alone or conscious sedation.
  • We use either a “Colorado” needle or scalpel for skin incisions to minimize scarring and bleeding during the procedure.
  • The incisions are made where the natural crease should be in the upper eyelids. Excess fat and skin are removed.
  • The incision for the lower eyelids is usually inside the lower lids, avoiding external incisions and scarring. This is known as the transconjunctival method.
  • If there is significant laxity of the lower eyelid, a canthopexy or tightening procedure may be done at the same time. The incision is along the outer portion of the lid just below the eyelash line.


After eyelid surgery, we will typicall remove sutures within 7 days.Initial discomfort is typically mild and can be controlled with oral medication. Bruising around the eyes and visual sensitivity to light are normal, and typically subside within two weeks. Swelling typically dissipates within 2 weeks.

When Can I Apply Makeup After Eyelid Surgery?

You can apply eye makeup after your sutures have been removed and your incisions have healed. Previously-used makeup should be discarded as it may promote bacterial growth and postoperative infection.

When Can I Wear My Contact Lenses After Eyelid Surgery?

You can wear contact lenses after your sutures have been removed and when you feel comfortable with them in.


The partial results of your eyelid surgery will be visible immediately. The results will be visible when your swelling goes down after about two weeks, and they will continue to improve as subtle post-surgery swelling goes down over several months. If your upper eyelids had severe laxity, you will be able to see more clearly with a wider field of vision. You will be delighted with the transformative effects of your eyelid surgery! The results will be long-lasting, though the effects of aging and gravity on the skin are ever-present. It is normal to receive additional cosmetic treatment down the line to maintain your results.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures 

Here at Tehrani Plastic Surgery, we offer procedures that can correspond with and complement your eyelid surgery.

Brow Lift

A brow lift is a cosmetic surgery that can address excess eyebrow tissue. When the skin weakens with age, the forehead and brow can begin to sag and add excess weight to the upper eyelid, making the symptoms of droopy eyelids even worse. It involves a surgeon making incisions around the hairline to lift the forehead up and reduce the sagging skin that bears down on the brow and upper eyelid. This procedure is commonly performed alongside eyelid surgery.


A facelift can alleviate the effects of aging on the face. Aging can make the skin on your cheeks, chin, jaw and neck sag, droop, and wrinkle. A facelift can tighten up the skin, smoothen wrinkles, reduce jowling and get rid of double chins. It involves a surgeon making incisions around the face in order to remove excess skin, fat and tissue to tone the face for a more youthful look. In combination with eyelid surgery, a facelift could give your whole face a fresh start.

To read about the other procedures we offer, visit our blog.

How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost?

To find out how much eyelid surgery costs at Tehrani Plastic Surgery in La Jolla and Apple Valley, call (949) 867-6806 or visit our inquiry page.


Can blepharoplasty correct baggy eyelids?

Yes, blepharoplasty is an excellent option for addressing baggy eyelids. The procedure involves removing excess skin, fat, and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids, resulting in a smoother and more rejuvenated appearance. By eliminating the excess tissue that causes the bags, blepharoplasty can restore a refreshed and youthful look to the eyes.

Does eyelid surgery leave visible scarring?

While scarring is technically visible as a result of the blepharoplasty procedure, the incisions are made in discrete locations, such as the deep crease of the upper eyelid and the inside of the lower eyelid. This hides the scars from apparent visibility, and they fade over time as well.

How long does the blepharoplasty procedure take to complete?

Blepharoplasty typically takes from one to two hours to complete. It is an outpatient procedure, so you will be able to go home on the same day.


  1. Rebowe RE, Runyan C. Blepharoplasty. PubMed. Published 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482381/
  2. Kwitko GM, Patel BC. Blepharoplasty Ptosis Surgery. PubMed. Published 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482296/